ETRMA Feedback to the Inception Impact Assessment on the review of the construction products regulation
Several general rubber goods are covered under the scope of the construction products regulation, for instance joints and bearing pads for bridges. The use of rubber goods for construction products is essential to secure the safety of civil structures. The use or rubber goods in construction works usually covers specific niche applications, producers are highly specialised SMEs.
Many applications of End-Of-Life Tyres derived granules are under the scope of the construction products regulation. For instance, moulded goods such as tiles or carpets in sport facilities, asphalts, and crumb rubber granules used as infill material in artificial grass.
ETRMA believes that the CPR needs to adapt and enhance its role to boost the use of recycled materials. Adaptions to the CPR shall bear in mind the green deal objectives and the need to move towards a circular economy society.
Please read ETRMA's full contribution at this link.