New End-of-Life Tyres statistics for 2020 and 2021
ETRMA, the European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association, has consolidated data on End of Life Tyres (ELTs) management for 2020 and 2021, covering 32 countries (EU28, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). The data shows that, in Europe, every used tyre is collected and sustainably recovered thanks to a well-developed end-of-life tyre chain.
In 2020, ELT arisings and treatment have remained at the same level even when the number of new tyres on the market has dropped significantly.
The reduction in mileage travelled and, subsequently, tyre replacement have not impacted ELT arisings either.
ELT management companies have thus collected more tyres than they needed under their obligations and taken their societal and environmental responsibility.
While mileage travelled has reduced, impacting tyre replacement sales, ELT arisings remain at the same level.
ELTs sent to granulation remain consistent from 2019, while ELTs sent to co-incineration have dropped by 200,000 tons.
In 2021, collection and treatment remain consistent with previous years.