WORLD RUBBER SUMMIT 2020 – Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 5th and 6th May 2020
Unlocking the Potential of the Rubber Economy: Pathways to Growth in the Next Decade
The global economy is in a synchronised slowdown, a 3% growth in 2019, lowest since financial crisis before moving to the next decade. The Rubber Economy is not an exception, it is certainly at the a crossroad! Mature and emerging markets must face challenges to embrace disruptive innovations, climate mitigation and digitalization to pave path for a sustained and inclusive growth in 2020 and beyond. Sustainable mobility and advancements in health sector underpinned by social, economic and technological trends demands identifying opportunities compatible with transformation offering solution than products. Narratives on competitive price and welfare of the weakest link in the supply chain need to redefine in unlocking potential welfare of the weakest link in the supply chain need to redefine in unlocking potential of the rubber supply chain. Partnership can certainly shape resurgence of a competitive and sustainable rubber value chain drives momentum for inclusive growth in the next decade.